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23 نتيجة ال
Amarilys 1884 William Holman Hunt 1827 1910
Souvenir d’Égypte 1861 William Holman Hunt 1827 1910
Le repos du berger 1851 William Holman Hunt 1827 1910
Isabella and the pot of basil by William Holman Hunt
Our English Coasts, by William Holman Hunt, 1852
Hireling Shepherd, William Holman Hunt, 1851
William Holman Hunt
Triumph of the Innocents
Children's Holiday(1864)
Hunt, William Holman Isabella and the Pot of Basil
The Lady of Shalott by William Holman Hunt
Les côtes anglaises 1852 William Holman Hunt 1827 1910
HOLMAN HUNT William 1827-1910 London - L'éveil de la conscience
Isabella & the Pot of Basil 1, William Holman Hunt, 1868
Awakening Conscience (1853)
Lady of Shalott, William Holman Hunt, 1905
Finding the Saviour in the Temple, William Holman Hunt, 1860
Strayed Sheep, William Holman Hunt, 1852
Awakening Conscience, William Holman Hunt, 1853
Nos côtes anglaises 1852 William Holman Hunt
Rienzi Vowing to Obtain Justice... by William Holman Hunt
William Holman Hunt, Rienzi... (1848-49)