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17 نتيجة ال
Romeo & Juliet: The Farewell by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Kate Barlass by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
St. Clare of Assisi by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
St. Catherine of Siena by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Come into the Garden Maud by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Guinevere by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Catherine of Aragon by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Joan of Arc by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Petrarch and Laura at Avignon by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Dante & Beatrice by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Fair Rosamund by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Eloisa and Abelard by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
The Four Marys by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Farewell, Fair Lily by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
The Little Foot Page by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Bottom and Titania by Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale
Olivia from the Vicar of Wakefield Elizabeth Fortescue Brickdale