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78 rezultata za
"digitally retouched"
Naznačene reči:
Van Gogh, Vincent - Harvest at La Crau 1888
Leighton, Frederic - The Fisherman and the Syren 1856
Van Gogh, Vincent - The yellow house (The street)
Van Gogh, Vincent - Green wheat fields Auvers 1890 (new retouch)
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de - At the Moulin Rouge c1895
Matiise, Henri - Still Life , La-Desserte 1915
Carsuzan, Jean Claude - Ballade à Sérifos Greece 20th C
Braque, Georges - Port en Normandie 1909
Buehr, Karl Albert - Red Headed Girl with Parasol c1912
Botticelli, Sandro - St Catherine detail St Barnaba altar 1488
Waterhouse, John William - Echo and Narcissus 1903
Falter, John - Ice skaters Sat. Evening Post 1952
Wagner-Höhenberg, Josef - card players
Spencelayh, Charles - Failing memories 1926 V9
Fortescue, William Banks - The model lifeboat
Gauguin, Paul - The large Tree 1891
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de - Rousse La Toilette 1886 V32
Gauguin, Paul - Rue Jouvenet à Rouen 1884
Silvestru, Stefan - Cubist still life (probably c2010)
Railway Poster - Norfolk Broads (by Arthur Mitchell 1937)
Rubens, Peter Paul - Studies of the head of an African c1620
Van Gogh, Vincent - The Drinkers 1890
Van Gogh, Vincent - Road Menders at Saint-Rémy 1889
Degas, Edgar - The Absinthe Drinkers 1876