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21 rezultata za
National Canoe Day
#Yacht Photo Rosenfeld Coll. Mystic Seaport Museum CT
John Mecray Ranger
John Mecray An Atlantic Passing
John Mecray L.A. Dunton
John Mecray Fetching the Mark
John Mecray New York Harbour
John Mecray The Jibe
John Mecray Reaching Home
John Mecray Tenacious
John Mecray Volunteer and Thistle
John Mecray Westward
John Mecray Reliance vs.Shamrock III
John Mecray Duel of the Titans
John Mecray Defender
John Mecray Gloriana
Racing Yacht
Yacht 1931- Rosenfeld Coll. Mystic Seaport CT
1931 Yacht Photo- Rosenfeld Coll. Mystic Seaport CT
Classic Yacht Regatta Underway Newport RI 9-86
Elena & Irolita 1913- Rosenfeld Coll. Mystic Seaport CT